write an essay (three to five pages) describing the history of probation and how it is currently implemented in the United States.

  1. Describe the history of probation, as developed by John Howard. How has it changed and remained the same in the modern era?
  2. How have the original tenets of probation been implemented in modern probation?
  3. Should current implementation of probation remain the same or updated? If you believe that changes should be made, what actions would you take to enact changes? If you do not believe modern probation should be altered, describe what is going well with probation as it currently exists? (Allow students to argue and provide support for both positions).
  4. How would you present your changes or support for maintaining current operations to the head of probation in your agency?
  5. What criteria would you use to assess success of a new form of probation or the existing model?



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