Management Report
Your report should consist of two sections containing the following: Section A
1. Define procurement and contract management.
2. Examine the principles of procurement and contract management as applied to a large multinational organisation.
3. Evaluate the importance of sustainable procurement.
4. Assess the impact of legislative frameworks on procurement in the impact public and private sector.
5. Critically assess the role of European Union in procurement.
6. Evaluate the importance of establishing ‘Contract Procedure Rules’ and applying financial regulations.
Section B

1. Discuss the key principles and application of category management.
2. Critically assess the impact of technology on procurement operations.
3. Examine the use of electronic promotion of contract opportunities and electronic tendering.
4. Explain the various risks associated with e-tendering.
5. Evaluate the risk management factors that impact on procurement and contract management.
6. Evaluate frameworks of risk assessment in relation to procurement.

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