Answer qusetion #5

The recent news reports about issues with the Boeing Max 737 airplane raise a number of similar issues as the Deepwater Horizon disaster. This article is one of many that reports on the Boeing matter: (Links to an external site.).

Select one of the following questions regarding the Boeing Max 737 situation to respond to in your primary post (adapted from the questions on page 243-244 at the end of Case Study #17):

1. Both the Boeing Max 737 and Deepwater Horizon situations involve decisions that may not have seemed to be ethical choices at the time they were made. Which ethical perspectives (duty, rights, etc., as discussed in the Introduction to Case Studies in Organizational Communication) did actors at Boeing and the FAA seem to use as they made key decisions?

2. How might transparency and dialogic communication have prevented the Boeing Max 737 crashes?

3. What were/are Boeing’s and the FAA’s respective ethical responsibilities in this case? Did they fulfill those responsibilities?

4. Which practices of an ethical organization (alignment, etc. as discussed in the Introduction to Case Studies in Organizational Communication) did Boeing follow or not follow in this case (select two of the ethical practices to discuss in your post)?

5. Acknowledging that many “decisions” are simply a reflection of common understandings and organizational culture, how can we encourage better, more ethical decision making within our own organizations?

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