Topic: Protocol for Evidence Collection

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Physical evidence may be comprised of solid, liquid, and in some cases, gas whose presence or lack of presence is evidence of the actions occurring during the commission of a crime. Crime Scene Investigators (CSIs) must have the training and experience to recognize items of potential evidence at the scene to preclude collecting materials that have no significant meaning concerning the investigation. Training should include the knowledge of what abilities the crime laboratory has and what potential information may be gleaned from identified evidence. CSI personnel must be able to identify items of evidence that they may not have the expertise to interpret and at the same time, they must have the knowledge on who has that expertise so that they can be called in to assist in the crime scene processing.

Discuss the following in your main post:

Name and describe 5 likely sources of DNA evidence.
In terms of seizing and processing items of physical evidence at the scene, what critical aspects should be priority?
When may evidence be removed from a crime scene?

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