Answer the following questions:


A US Army and Marine Corps Battlefield Logistics

Review the short paragraph and respond to the following questions:

I. What are the advantages and disadvantages to setting a limit for the maximum depth for a DFD?
II. Is a level 4 DFD an appropriate limit?


Discuss several ways to verify the correctness of a process model. (Minimum 3 ways)


Identify three typical syntax errors commonly found in DFDs.


Read the following case and respond to the question below-

Work has proceeded well on the Williams Specialty Company engagement (refer to textbook minicase 1 and supplemental minicase 1 in chapter 4). The staff members were able to work effectively through the process of use case modeling, and the team has begun the development of the data flow diagrams. As often happens on consulting teams, however, one of your team members has left the firm, and a new member has been assigned to your team. As you reviewed the file on your new team member, you noticed that his previous experience has been as a business analyst on several large consulting projects. In this role, he worked closely with the users, helping them to define their goals and objectives for the system, and helping to outline their requirements in business terms. He has not had much direct experience with some of the tools and techniques employed by systems analysts, although the firm clearly wants him to develop these skills.

Since a set of data flow diagrams has been drafted, you believe that a good way for your new team member to get oriented to the project is to go through them carefully. In fact, a good assignment for your new team member is to review the diagrams for balance as he studies them.

Explain to your new team member why balancing is important in the development of data flow diagrams. Explain exactly what he should be looking for as he reviews the diagrams


Read the following case and respond to the question below-

The project team involved at the Williams Specialty Company has completed their work on the logical data flow diagrams for the as-is system. The set of data flow diagrams has been checked for basic syntax errors, and thanks to the work of the newest team member (see supplemental minicase 1), has also been checked for balance. At this point, several of the more junior project team members assumed that the models were complete, and that the team would quickly move into the development of the process model for the to-be system. However, you know that in order to assure that the model is as correct as possible, it still needs to be checked for semantics errors.

Describe what is meant by semantics error in a process model. Describe several techniques that can be used by the team to check the data flow diagrams for their semantics quality.

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