In groups of 3-4 discuss and elaborate a strategy in light of the following:
1. You have a CORE MESSAGE to pass along: Jesus is the Messiah, the ONE. That is, the Good News. Basically these Good News is what Jesus the Christ taught and did in his life time plus his resurrection (that is, victory over death) as witnessed by his followers.
2. You want both to pass along such a transforming message (the Good News) and make sure that its core is maintained pure (doctrine) and kept alive (practiced). You also want this message to be known by all.
The Challenging Circumstances:
1. You have many human groups (e.g., churches) scattered and with no central system of authority in place yet.
2. Each group/region has different interests and problems, both inside and outside. Minor persecution and factionalism.
What You Do Have:
1. Oral traditions that hark back to Jesus. These are trustworthy as oral societies try to pass them unscathed (that is intact, true to their core). Many eye-witnessed help control transmission.
2. Good system of roads (Roman) thru the Empire, a relatively safe environment (Pax romana) and a lingua franca (Greek).