There are five important pieces of legislation that the NASW has identified as a “priority” for 2020 and beyond. Pick ONE of these pieces of legislation and discuss.
• The proposed legislation/Bill you chose to analyze:
o Provide the Title of the proposed legislation/Bill. the Number of the proposed legislation/Bill, and whether it has been introduced in the House, the Senate, or both.
o Provide the timeline of the proposed legislation/Bill—a) when was it introduced into the Senate and/or the House of Representatives, b) the list of the sponsors of the Bill and their political affiliation, and c) where this bill is in the process.
o Discuss the purpose(s) of the proposed legislation.
o What is the social problem that this proposed legislation addresses?
o Who is the target population for this proposed legislation?
• What is the scope of the problem (i.e. approximately how many people are affected by it?)
• How would this policy affect and/or influence our community?
• Staple the first page of the policy bill to this description.
There is no specific page limit for this part of the paper. You need to thoroughly complete the assignment, giving the information asked for in a concise but full informative way.
Protecting Social Workers and Health
Professionals from Workplace Violence Act
(S. 2880/H.R. 5138