Conflict is everywhere and it is impossible to avoid conflicting viewpoints. However, not all conflict is bad, nor is it inherently negative. How conflict is handled makes all the difference. It is through proper identification and understanding of the conflict that allows for effective resolutions, some of which may yield positive outcomes. The purpose of this assignment is to examine the different types of conflict, how to understand and embrace the positive aspects of the conflict, and how to successfully navigate conflict to positive resolution.
To complete this assignment:
Select and complete one conflict resolution assessment tool from the list provided above or search online for a free conflict resolution assessment of your choice.
Based on the results, write a 2 to 3-page reflection paper, summarizing your approach to conflicts, show whether you agree or disagree with the results, and finally provide a past conflict example demonstrating how you used the particular conflict resolution method/approach indicated in the assessment results.
Be sure to provide a link to the source of your conflict resolution assessment tool in the reference section of your paper.

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