In this essay you will consider arguments about where policy decisions should be made (Federal or state government levels) and the implications of the Covid-19 crisis for this debate. To prepare to write the essay, read:
1) “The New Federalism” (from Debating Democracy) which includes an introduction by Miroff followed by short readings by Eggers/O’Leary and Donahue (pdf on the canvas site)
2) Review the account about the “benefits and drawbacks of federalism” in Section 3.5 of the textbook chapter and class lecture
3) Read the following 2 articles and 2 opinion essays about federalism and the pandemic:
Based on these readings, write an essay in which you:
1) Summarize the main arguments by a) Eggers and O’Leary and b) Donahue. In your summary, make sure you reference the arguments in EACH of the 3 sections you find in EACH of the excerpts. (30%) (include at least 1 direct quote from each section – underline the quotes so I can find them – so 6 quotes total)
2) Briefly describe how the federal and state governments have responded to the current pandemic, and how you think Eggers and O’Leary, on one hand, and Donahue, on the other, might evaluate these responses. (20%)
3) tell which of the authors (Eggers/O’Leary OR Donahue) you find most persuasive and why (in doing this you should make sure to also address what you do NOT find persuasive about the other author’s arguments). In other words, do you think it is more important to encourage “laboratories of democracy” (even if inequality and a “race to the bottom” might occur) or do you think it is more important to use national policy to avoid inequality and a “race to the bottom” (even if some policy variation is excluded)? (50%)