1. This is a hard question: what does it mean to be conscious. Read up in your book some answers, search the internet for some definitions, then summarize in your own words what it means to be conscious. Give examples to support your answer.

2. Describe either a) automatic versus controlled processing, b) selective attention, or c) in attentional blindness and give a real-world example from your life. Connect this example with the course readings.

3. Describe how your brain and muscle activity change as you go through the stages of sleep. Why is REM sleep important?

Then answer ONE of the following questions:
-3A. What causes jet-lag? What are some of the physical, psychological, and cognitive consequences of sleep deprivation?
-3B. What does it mean to have good sleep hygiene? Describe one of the sleep disorders mentioned in your textbook (narcolepsy, sleep paralysis and hypnagogic hallucinations, REM sleep behavior disorder, breathing-related sleep disorders, insomnia, other sleep disorders).

4. Pick one of the drugs highlighted in the Mouse House Party (Link attached below). Tell us what class of drugs your drug belongs to and describe its psychological effects. Give the specific neural mechanism of action for your drug.

Answers should be a minimum of 11 sentences in length, should be well thought out, should show critical thinking about the topic, and should be based on evidence from the readings (with included citations and References from the powerpoint book).

You should also identify a concept from this week’s lessons that was either interesting or confusing. You should explain the concept in your own words, and you should explain why it was interesting or confusing. This is should be a minimum of 6 sentences along with citations from the powerpoint and attached image of the section from the book!!!!!

Licht, D. M., Hull, M. G., & Ballantyne, C. (2017). Psychology (2nd edition).

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