Assessment task 2: Major Essay

Learning Outcomes:
2. Explore emerging challenges and opportunities associated with preventative healthcare delivery in Australia and the need for change.
3. Discuss how disease trends, community expectations, workforce trends, health inequities, government policy and models of healthcare all influence the changing landscape of Australian healthcare.
4. Using electronic media, demonstrate an ability to communicate effectively with student-peers and other health professions (on-line group facilitators), using an evidence-based approach, respecting the roles and expertise of associated disciplines.

Your task in this major essay is to write a literature review that draws on the knowledge and understandings gained in this unit. Ensure you pay close attention to the intended learning outcomes for this unit and the weekly topics discussed in modules 1 and 2. Select only ONE of the topics below that is of professional and/or personal interest to you.
1. Management of mental illness (e.g. Depression, PTSD)
2. People living with disability
3. Indigenous health
4. Migrant and refugee health
5. Chronic disease

Critically review the way health services have been organised and delivered to support primary or secondary prevention for your chosen topic. Being critical means not to criticize in a negative way but requires you to compare and contrast information and evidence in the literature.
Once you have reviewed the literature, present an evaluation or judgement of the information. To do this well, you should attempt to understand the topic from different perspectives (i.e. read related journal articles, reports, ‘
grey literature’) in relation to the weekly topics covered in this unit.
This review will require you to explore current and emerging challenges, plus opportunities, associated with healthcare delivery, advocacy, the social determinants of health and workforce (i.e. module 1) for the topic you have chosen. You may need to consider the factors such as community expectations, community development,
capacity building, workforce trends, health inequities, government policy and models of healthcare, which influence the changing landscape of Australian healthcare. Think about a reform that moves the health care system to focus more on prevention than treatment.
NB: Please avoiding a biomedical approach to describe and discuss your
chosen topic and instead use a social approach, which focusses on the
way health services have been organized and delivered.

Assessment Criteria
Measures Intended Learning Outcome:
Criterion 1
Demonstrates a clear understanding of the chosen health issue
Criterion 2
Demonstrates an effective critical review of the delivery of health services with current and emerging challenges, opportunities and potential solutions effectively
Criterion 3
Describes and justifies a reasoned response to a health
care issue in this context
Criterion 4
Communicates effectively in writing

Task length
2,000 words (+/-10%). This includes headings and in-text citations. It does not include the cover page or the reference list. An essay should not include a table of contents or appendix, and tables/figures should be used sparingly. The labels for tables and figures are included, but the table/figure itself will only count as one word.

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