Demonstrate ability to identify, evaluate, and apply conflict styles and conflict management techniques in dyads and/or groups.
1. Watch the TedTalk by Amy Scott – Build don’t break relationships with communication-connect the dots.
2. Summarize the lecture in the video – include at least four major ideas. Each idea should be a paragraph complete with substantial evidence and support.
— Use headings and subheadings —
3. Check your writing, spelling, and grammar.
well-written paragraphs written in APA which requires double spacing
Paper example:


Major Point One:
A good paragraph with support and evidence. This is a summary not a re-post or copy and paste.
Major Point Two:
A good paragraph with support and evidence. This is a summary not a re-post or copy and paste.
Major Point Three:
A good paragraph with support and evidence. This is a summary not a re-post or copy and paste.
Major Point Four:
A good paragraph with support and evidence. This is a summary not a re-post or copy and paste.

Introduction and Conclusion:
WRITE A STRONG PARAGRAPH FOR EACH ONE. The introduction should “introduce the paper” while the conclusion should “summarize the paper”.

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