Build Your Own Weather Station
For this week’s lab, you will build a backyard weather station that you will use to collect at least five days’ worth of measurements. The instructions for building most of the weather instruments are located here: (Links to an external site.). Directions for a do-it-yourself thermometer are found here: (Links to an external site.). Following the instructions provided, construct a barometer and a thermometer, along with at least one of the other four possible instruments (hygrometer, wind vane, anemometer, rain gauge). When constructing your thermometer, please complete the calibration step, which will require a store-bought one (listed as optional in the instructions).
Take a digital photograph of each instrument that you construct. Include in your photo a strip of paper with your name and the date on it. These photographs will be part of your lab report for this week.
In addition to the weather instrument photos, for your Week Six Lab Report, submit a short essay covering every weather instrument in turn: thermometer, hygrometer, barometer, wind vane, anemometer, rain gauge (even the ones you did not build).
For each one, provide a brief history behind it; discuss what it measures; explain how your instrument works; and explain what information it provides about current and potential future weather conditions. Follow APA formatting guidelines, according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements (Links to an external site.) for the title and sources cited.