Read the cases State V. Bolarinho, 850 A. 2d 907 ( RI 2004) and State v. Fleming, 19 S. w. 3d 195 ( to the following questions with your thoughts ideas ans comments.. 2000) Use your analysis of these cases to inform you in your discussion of rhe following questions: Within the discussion board area write 400-600 words that respond to the following questions. Assuming that an assault does not involve physical contact and battery. Can a person’s hands, fists or feet be considered dangerous weapons? Why or why not? Would the use of hands, fists, or feet be considered dangerous weapons? Why? or Why not? What do you think makes an object a dangerous weapon Explain. What case law could you use to support your arguments? Identify and discuss your examples. Why do you think these cases are relevant to the discussion?

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