Choose one of the following topic options, and write a 5-paragraph persuasive essay.
Topic Option One: Does Divorce Always Hurt Children?
Opinions are divided as to whether divorce hurts children. Almost no one argues that divorce is always good for kids. However, many people do claim that there are certain times when divorce can help children, for instance when abuse of one kind or another is present.
On the other hand, many other people claim that divorce is always harmful to children in some way, even when divorce may be the best thing for the parents. Those arguing this side point to factors like the decrease in attention, less discipline, lack of a role model, and so forth.
Do you think that divorce can sometimes be helpful to children, or that it is always harmful to them in some way? Choose one position or the other; I will not accept essays trying to argue or compare both sides. Your purpose is to convince your readers to agree with you.
Topic Option Two: How Hard is Success in College?
This topic is about the difficulty many students (like yourselves) have in finishing their college educations. Note that you should not focus this essay only on yourself. Word it so that what you say can apply to other students who might share your circumstances. The exception to this focus beyond yourself will be in any stories about yourself which you may use as specific examples.
The audience you are writing for is the faculty at Cedar Valley Community College.