1) Choose one of the following methods to explore CHINA and the area in which it is located on its continent:
a) Option 1: Use Google Maps to view CHINA and familiarize yourself with its geographic neighbors and its major landmarks.
b) Option 2: Use a traditional map to locate CHINA. Familiarize yourself with CHINA, its geographic neighbors, and its major landmarks.

2) Write a 5-page paper, using APA format, in which you respond to the following questions or statements:
a) Research and examine the history of the 20th century for CHINA. Summarize the recent history of CHINA and identify major events that may have had an impact on CHINA’s development.
b) Give a review of the current economic system in CHINA. Answer the question of how this system seems to be a reflection of the history and culture of CHINA.
c) Based on your research of the history, politics, and economics and the analysis of these topics in your paper, write a conclusion that discusses what you feel are the most important challenges facing CHINA as a part of the global community.
d) Include a reference page and relevant in-text citations to support your paper. This should include all of the works that you cited, using APA citation guidelines.

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