1. Chapter 3 (Pre-Socratics) and Ch 7 (Socrates), Melchert, Great Conversation. Chapter 2 (Pre-Socratics) and chapter 6 (Socrates).
link: (you have to download it)
2. Payne, ch 3 – From Pre-Socratics to Socrates
1. What is Philosophy?: Crash Course Philosophy #1
2. The Presocratics: Crash Course History of Science #2
3. The Trial of Socrates
4. The Ideas of Socrates
Power points: attached below
Answer the Following Questions below:
Part 1 – Engagement with Pre-Socratic Thinkers
1. In the video provided above by Crash Course (on Pre-Socratics), describe the dominant worldview during the time of the before the Pre-Socratic Thinkers. How do the pre-Socratics overcome such worldview?
2. Explain the difference between the Pre-philosophical period (Pre-scientific- age of mythos) vs philosophical period (Scientific period – age of logos). How do you characterize pre-philosophical from the philosophical period?
3. Describe what way is Thales’ statement that water is the origin and element of all things a criticism of the Homeric tradition? What does Thales mean by saying “water?” than “water.” in his view of fundamental stuff of the universe? Compare a definitive answer vs explorative answer? What is the implication of having an explorative answer than a definitive answer in the age of science? Explain.
4. Name five philosophers from the list and write them their ideas which demonstrate natural explorative answers than supernatural definitive answers.
5. In a sentence, write down in your own understanding what can be lesson/s you can say about the pre-socratic thinkers?
Part 2 – Engagement with Socrates
1. Who is Socrates? Write any information about his life?
2. In the video, What are the accusations against him in the trial? What was Miletus’ claim against him? What was Lycon’s claim against him? and What was Anitus’s accusation against him?
3. What was the Oracle of Delphi say about Socrates? What is the relevance of this message from the oracle in the life of Socrates?
4. In the video, Socrates claimed that I AM A GADFLY SENT BY GOD TO THE STATE? What does this mean for Socrates?
5. What can you say who are philosophers in the person of Socrates? What does it mean for him to be: MIDWIFE OF TRUTH? Explain!