SSI Deliberative Exercise


This is an individually written paper from your SSI Deliberative Exercise. Paper must be typewritten with 3-4 pages of text (12 font, 1.5 line spacing). Use sub headings as appropriate.

Write a title for your paper – title is an overview of the specific content you present.

3.Write first part of the paper clearly identifying, introducing and signifying the SSI. Include the current status of our energy use and why we need changing our current approaches.

4.Write first part of the paper clearly identifying, introducing and signifying the SSI. Include the current status of our energy use and why we need changing our current approaches.

Last portion should include the following.

A) What approach you recommend as your energy choice(s) for the future (based on above mentioned reasoning)

B) Specific goals of this approach and steps/tasks to achieve the goals of this approach.

C) Reasons as to why the steps you suggest are workable and acceptable to the stakeholders.

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