REFLECTION for medical writing
You will prepare a final reflection on your learning in this course and how what you have learned could be applied in the future. Reflecting on your learning can help you consider and retain what you have learned.
To end this course, reflect on your learning in this class and write a 700-1100-word reflection on how your learning has progressed and how you might apply concepts from this course in the future, even if you do not plan to become a professional medical writer.
In addition to helping you review and retain concepts in this class, this reflection is your opportunity to demonstrate to me that you have grasped the ideas and concepts in the class and that you will be able to apply them in the future.
Your own experience and learning in this class will help you determine what to address and how to organize your ideas, but the questions below can help with your reflection on your experience in this class:
How did your learning progress in this course?
For example, what were your expectations and base-knowledge about medical writing before you started this class? What are they now?
How have you improved or progressed in this course?
What have you learned from the class readings, your instructor’s notes and lectures, your classmates, and the class projects?
What concepts do you think you will use beyond this course?
You are not limited to the above prompts. If there are other things that are important for you to include,do so.
In your reflection, you should also include specific examples (class readings, ideas from classmates or your instructor, your own work for the class in homework and major projects).