Bibliography Paper
Summarize these five articles and create a bibliography for them.
True Grit
The article is about how biologists were working with NCWRC to take care and research on the RCWs.Putting colored bands on the nestlings then coming back in 30 days to see if those nestlings have become fledged.In the website it states “Once the bands are secure but not constricting,the climb back up the ladder happens again,and the nestlings are placed back in the cavity.” Another part states “Once the nestlings hit day 30,fledge checks are carried out for each cluster.”Lauren D.Pharr is perspective for the article in the website because she’s telling people her experience she had being a biologist working with people to observe RCWs.As the article moves on Lauren D.Pharr gives us pictures of RCWs in their habitat and what she had to do to research them.
The article is about how the writer is trying to find a RCW and how they headed 80,000 acres to find them.Then heading 75 miles north near Punta Gorda.The article states “The birds declared endangered in the 1970’s and currently number only 14,000 survivors.Another piece of the states Their numbers are down 99% from 1880’s due to habitat loss in eastern U.S.”The article was written by someone under the name of BrigHamStephen they basically are writing the article in their perspective as well as providing information on how the RCWs population has gone down tremendously throughout the years.When you read through the article they provide pictures to give you an example of what their talking about.
Animal Diversity
The article shows different things about RCWs they also show how the population went down.And how over 30 years their population has gone down.In the article is said “As of 2008,there were an estimated 14,000 to 15,000 adult RCWs.”The owner of the articles name is Nathan Pool.The author Nathan is providing us with information about the RCWs geo range,physical description,habitat,and reproduction.As we read through the information we rarely see a lot of photos of the RCWs.But as I read the article I would love to know more about what exactly making the RCWs extinct.But thanks to the article it helps to learn more about RCWs.
This article also shows different information about RCWs.They show information about their habitats and their geographical range.In the article it states “As of 1999, the largest populations were located along the coasts of South Carolina and Florida, encompassing a contiguous range of 4,000 square kilometers.”The author of this article is Susan Miller she studied RCWs.She even showed a picture of her holding RCWs when their in their baby stage.The author made this article to inform people about the almost instinct RCWs.
The article is not even and article it’s documents on RCWs giving off may different forms of information.This document also shows RCWs information about its habitat,geographical range,life history.But this document shows what its reasons for it’s decline.It states “The main threat to the survival of the Red-cockaded Woodpecker is the decrease in the quality and quantity of old growth pine forest nesting habitat, primarily due to short rotation (harvest cycle) timber management.”There’s no author for this document but with this article it also gives us information on how we can help spot the RCWs from going instinct.As you read the document they provide pictures of the RCWs.