
For your final project, you will create and present a PowerPoint presentation (via Youtube or Loom) on one chapter in the textbook.

You may choose from any of the chapter. Submissions will be uploaded via CANVAS. Regarding your recordings aim for a 10-minute presentation.

The goals of the project are two-fold: (1) to demonstrate that you have mastered the material in your chapter and (2) to teach the chapter to the online cohort. Thus, you should not simply “cut and paste” from your book.

Present the ideas in the chapter in your own words.

Video Recording:

PowerPoint Content:

Title slide(s)

Chapter number

Chapter name

Course information

Name of course



Chapter Summary and Relationship to Student Success

Without going into much detail (you’ll do that in the next section), tell us what your chapter is about.

Also, explain to us how the chapter is related to student success. In other words, tell us why this chapter is in the book.

5 – 7 Main Ideas

What are the 5 – 7 most important ideas, concepts, or “words of wisdom” in the chapter?

If you quote the textbook, be sure to explain what the author is saying in your own words.

If you use a diagram, graph, or table from the textbook, make sure you explain what it means.

Chapter Critique

Did you find anything wrong with the chapter?

For instance:

Did you disagree with any of the ideas presented?

Did you think that any of the ideas were not fully explained?

If you were the editor, is there any content that you would take out? Why? Would you put something else in its place? If so, what?

Do you have any suggestions for improving the chapter?

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