Trading Strategy evaluation: Risk of return

The below file “RiskOfRuinAssign_RefStrategyPerf.csv” contains the strategy results download. Download this file and work with it to compute following metrics (hint: you will need to convert it into an Excel spreadsheet and format, rearrange, recalculate, create new columns etc.)

Submit your spreadsheet with the following metrics computed and highlighted in Yellow:

Assume that you are starting with an initial capital of $25,000 and we will consider it a ruin if you lose 50% of it (at a balance of $12,500, you won’t be able to trade even one mini contract of NQ).

(i) Winning rate (%)

(ii) Losing rate (%)

(iii) Average profit per winning trade ($)

(iv) Average profit per winning trade (as % of initial capital)

(v) Average loss per losing trade ($)

(vi) Average loss per losing trade (as % of initial capital)


(a) To help you focus on the current learning topic.

(b) We are NOT calculating the Risk-of-Ruin in this homework. We will go into a full fledged formula to calculate the Risk-of-Ruin using the above metrics in the next class.

(c) Each of the above metrics you are being asked to compute are simple, arithmetic calculations – do NOT need any specific advanced formulas.

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