Paper details:

Read R. Ponnudurai’s (2013) article on Judeo-Christian concepts related to psychiatry to set the stage for your discussion. In this article, several Biblical instances are discussed in which our modern understanding of mental illness interacts with the Biblical understanding of evil spirits.

Utilizing the rubric for guidance and your reading on exegesis, consider and respond to all of the following prompts. You must use APA 7th, include 3 Bible scriptures and the article for reference points:

How do you understand the interaction between modern mental illness and the encounters with evil spirits in the Bible?

The Greek word for demon, daemon, comes from the Greek verb daiesthai, meaning “to divide.” When the verb is used in the context of something happening to a person, scholars have slightly altered this definition, defining daiesthai as “fragmented self.” Consider the implications the word demon and its root word (in some cases meaning fragmented self) has on your own worldview both as a Christian and as a professional counselor.

Mental health and psychiatry often seek to heal one’s mind rather than their soul. Does the Bible consider this misguided? Does the Bible express concern over one’s mind, or does true healing come only when the soul is explicitly addressed?

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