Nas Illmatic album review
Write a 1-2 page review (min 400 words) in MLA format on the Nas album entitled “Illmatic “. Use the criteria listed below to rate and critique the album.
Spotify link –
Youtube link-
Rating scale out of a total of 80. rate each one out of 10
Innovation– Is the album unique to its time? How different is the music on the album in comparison to what is heard on the radio at the time. Did the album change the direction of Hip Hop?
Popularity- Was the album received by artist’s audience ?
Authenticity – Is the Artist is being authentic with their message? Do you believe the artist ?
Lyrics- Do the lyrics of the songs on the album resonate with you ? How intricate are the lyrics and well are they used ?
Storytelling- How well are the elements of storytelling implemented throughout the album ?
Sequence- Does the album flow seamlessly. Are their songs congruent with the artist overall message ?
Concept- What is the artist overall message ? How well is the the message conveyed throughout the album.
Delivery & Flow- How well does the artist delivery their message ( rhyme scheme, vocal cadence etc) ? Do they have a unique rap style ? Is their presents heard on the album?