Children Story
READ CAREFULLY! You are going to construct your own children’s story as a final project for this course. Your book must try to educate students on a particular topic and should follow the basic elements found in children’s books. There is not major restrictions to this project, you can write a book around a topic that would be banned in certain states, or it can just be a book about a topic you think children need to learn about in a fun and engaging manner.
You are responsible for the content, visuals, and overall look of the children’s book. Create all visuals with construction paper or crayons, you do not have to pay for an expensive illustration to get credit for this project.
You can work in pairs, or on your own. At the end of the semester there will be 4 days to read the book to the class, present the illustrations, and then have a short conversation with us about what lead you to create this story in the first place.
In this conversation you should answer the following questions:
Who is the intended target audience for this book?
Why did you focus on this topic?
Do you think this story would be banned, why or why not?
How did this project teach you about the freedom of speech (expression) as protected under the first amendment?
Would you be interested in publishing a future version of this story?