Select a publicly listed company from the common top-level (NAIC) industry classification.
NAIC Code | Description |
11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, and Hunting |
21 | Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction |
22 | Utilities |
23 | Construction |
31-33 | Manufacturing |
42 | Wholesale Trade |
44-45 | Retail Trade |
48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
51 | Information |
52 | Finance and Insurance |
53 | Real Estate and Rental and Leasing |
54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
55 | Management of Companies and Enterprises |
56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
61 | Educational Services |
62 | Health Care and Social Assistance |
71 | Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation |
72 | Accommodation and Food Services |
81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
92 | Public Administration |
Choose a company that has publicly traded stock.
Much of the information you will need for this project can be obtained from the following sources:
Regulatory filings of the company: 10-Q and 10-K reports, Edgar Online
Company research: Yahoo! Finance, Wall Street Journal Online, Reuter’s Financial,
Questions to Answer
How would you rate this firm’s commitment to corporate social responsibility and sustainability? Provide as much detailed evidence as possible.
How has this firm’s commitment to corporate social responsibility and sustainability impacted its financial performance and image?