Final Project

Directions:  Be creative in composing your final project.

“Some” audio recording of your own voice using technology (Powerpoint, Screencast, Imovie, Voicethread, Nearpod).

Include a storyline or progression of how you developed through the course from start to finish using your final TEACH3/4 data. Note: If you decide to do a powerpoint – consider including presenter notes.  This helps me track what you intended the slide to convey to me, the viewer.


Narrative (20 points) of your teaching experience (This includes your reflections on your Peer teach, TEACHES 1 – 3. What were you expecting? What did you experience? (This is paragraph form with audio recording)

Showcase TEACH4 (Some of you are TEACH3) (20 points)

Specifically showcase (describe, illustrate) the intended content and activities of the lessons for FINAL TEACH – this serves as an overview of what you intended to do in FINAL TEACH. You can link your lesson plan but you must provide an overview (scaffold) of your plan (What were the 5E’s)

 Statistical Analysis (30 points) Analysis of Student Work from FINAL TEACH (Note: your final project you MUST have data (Excel or Google Sheets) on students’ understanding both before and after the test. ) = Quantitative

Modifications to FINAL TEACH (15 points)
If you taught your FINAL teach again – highlight in the lesson plan OR narrate in an organized fashion ONLY the parts of your lesson that you will change.

Summary (15 points)

How did student work/data influence your revision,

How did Mentor teach / Professor Simmons feedback influence your modifications?  Why? How?

How did the teaching experience impact you personally?  What did it reveal about your leadership skills, ability to present and guide/work with younger children? How did you change over the course?

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