Discussion 3

This is a multiple-week assignment in which you will learn to analyze the nutritional contents of your diet using the Diet & Wellness Plus (D&W+) application inside MindTap. There are four parts to the assignment:

Part 1




Learn to use D&W+ app through practice activities.  Practice interpreting nutrient intake reports. Then, practice finding foods in the database, generating reports, and checking the accuracy of your entry. Feb 27 20 +30


 Part 2




Apply your new skills with D&W+ to your own diet. Track all the foods and beverages you consume for 3 days, and then generate reports to calculate your average nutrient and food group intake. Apr 3 50

 Part 3




After receiving instructor feedback from Part 2:

Use your reports to self-assess the nutritional adequacy of your diet and risk for chronic disease, and suggest changes to better align your diet with evidence-based, health-promoting dietary recommendations.

Apr 24 50

 Part 4




After receiving instructor feedback from Part 3:

Use your self-assessment and goals to make targeted changes to your food intake reports. Observe how those changes impact your nutrient intake and associated health risks.

May 10 50

Note: For this project, you are required to share records of the foods you eat with your instructor. If this makes you uncomfortable, let the instructor know as soon as possible, so we can make alternate arrangements.

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