Comparing Supplements Label to Label

Answer these questions for supplement #1 and # 2 on a separate sheet of paper (20 points):
1. What is the name of the supplement?

2. What is the cost per pill?

3. Is the supplement complete (does it contain all vitamins and minerals with established DRIs)? If no, what is missing?

4. Are most vitamins and minerals present at or near 100% of the DRIs? Exceptions include biotin, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, which are rarely found in amounts near 100% of the DRI. List any vitamins or minerals that are present in low amounts or in dangerously high amounts.

5. Does the supplement contain unnecessary nutrients or no nutrients? If yes, list them.

6. Is there “hype” on the label? Does the label use the terms “natural,” “organic,” “chelated,” “no sugar,” “stress-reliever,” etc.? List any terms used.


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