Your website will have at least four pages: (I) About Me/Welcome, (II) Project 1 or 2 & its revised version, (III) Two Artifacts from class, (IV) Reflection (500 words).
For the first draft, our aim is to complete the skeleton of your e-portfolio (its elements, style and design).
Make sure you have:
About Me/Welcome page. If you are not sure what to include, look at sample projects at the end of the presentation titled “Project 4 Prompt and Samples”. This part of your portfolio should be complete at this stage.
A page for Reflective Statement (500 words). For the final draft, your reflective statement should include what you learned about genres, composing, and rhetorical strategies in the process of completing the course’s three major projects.
A page for Two Artifacts: This part of your portfolio should be complete at this stage.
A page for Revised Project: You do not need to complete revising your project in the first draft. If you wish to complete it, upload both the original and the revised version. Highlight the sections you revised on the original piece!