In this module, you will continue your white paper by conducting a selective review of the literature on the patient safety topic you selected in the first module and writing the second section of the white paper, which is the literature review. The purpose of the literature review is to further explore your topic and to identify potential solutions to the technology hazard. Look for scholarly articles that have tested potential solutions through research or quality improvement methods. Your goal is to create a well-organized, clear, and concise selected literature review that summarizes and analyzes potential solutions to your identified technology hazard. Please feel free to use the white paper template linked below to guide you in the organization of your paper.
Follow the steps below to complete the assignment.
Search an appropriate database to identify references pertaining to your topic. You can easily search the Copley Library by entering a key word (e.g. “health”) and clicking the search button to view relevant databases.

Optional: Search an appropriate patient safety website for information pertaining to your topic.
Select at least four (4) scholarly articles for inclusion in your review.
Read and critically examine the articles and information.
Compose a literature review that includes:
A brief opening paragraph to discuss what type of information the search strategy yielded.
A paragraph (per article) to summarize and analyze each article for potential solutions.
A concluding paragraph to compare and contrast solutions found in the literature and the selection of one solution to pursue in the next phase of this assignment.
Your selected literature review will be two to three pages in length with a separate page for references, which may include published articles and scholarly information from recognized, credible patient-safety websites formatted according to APA requirements. As patient safety topics are continually evolving, references should be peer-reviewed and current (i.e. within the last five years), unless they are considered classic references.

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