Reflect on this module’s assigned resources. The Choosing Wisely campaign is an excellent example of an Evidence Based Practice initiative to improve the quality and safety of health care. For this assignment, go to the Clinician List at the Choosing Wisely website and select one recommendation for further discussion. If possible, select a recommendation that impacts your current practice. Be sure to use relevant information from the course readings to support your response, and include references and citations formatted according to APA requirements.

Explain the recommendation
Which recommendation did you select?
Why did you select it?
How does this impact your practice?
Discuss the implications of the recommendation on quality and/or patient safety.


For this discussion, find a current research article on some aspect of quality and patient safety in health care. The research may use an experimental, quasi-experimental, non-experimental or qualitative research design. A meta-analysis or systematic review may also be used. Then, post a two-paragraph response to the prompt below by Day 4 of this module. Be sure to use relevant information from the course readings to support your response, and include references and citations formatted according to APA requirements.

Discuss the purpose and the background of the study.
Explain the research methodology used.
Summarize the results of the data analysis.
Summarize the discussion of the results.
Identify any limitations of the study.
Discuss the implications of the study on practice, research, and education.

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