Read the case study.

Scan any reference material that has been suggested – noting any links between the case and the reference material

Note down any terms in the case text that you do not know, LOOK THEM UP and write down the definitions

Make a list of the clinical signs and symptoms given in the case details and give them names. (For example, on admission Mr X.’s heart rate was112 beats per minute -tachycardia), list and look up drugs or tests in your texts.

Do your own research.

Make notes from the text about Mr X.’ s signs and symptoms as they relate to ‘whatever the case study condition is’.

Working together, you may find it helpful to draw diagrams of altered structure or flowcharts which explain the pathophysiological mechanisms and the reasons for interventions.

Remember that in BioScience, as in many subjects, one good picture can be worth many pages of words.


TWO QUESTIONS (Both 150 Words Each Excluding in text referencing)

1. Explain the pathophysiological mechanisms through which alcohol-induced cirrhosis leads to ascitis, relating them -when appropriate- to the functions of the liver.

2. Mr Cavanagh is showing signs of circulatory shock. Name the type of circulatory shock that he is experiencing and the stage of the shock, citing the evidence that led you to that conclusion.
Explain also two mechanisms that have contributed to its development, relating to Andrew’s presentation.

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