Q#1 – Why did the framers of the U.S. Constitution divide the federal government into three branches?

Q#2 – Explain how each branch of the federal government is able to control or limit the actions taken by the other branches.

Q#3 – Compare and contrast law, on the one hand, and ethics, on the other (See the Learning Objectives posted in the Week #1 Module). What is the key factor in the difference between the two?

Q#4 – What is the “supreme law of the land”?

Q#5 – Is there only one constitution?

Q#6 – What role do court decisions play in creating law? Is every court decision of equal importance in every circumstance? Explain why, or why not.

Q#7 – What two things are required before any given court has the power to decide any given dispute?

Q#8 – In what court was this complaint filed and why do you suppose it was filed there?

Q#9 – Do you think that the claims asserted in the complaint are likely to be found valid? Explain your reasons.

Q#10 – Did this amicus brief cause you to change your mind? Why or Why not?

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