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Critically examine the advantages and disadvantages of equity shares.
Critically examine the advantages and disadvantages of equity shares.
Sources of financing.
Explain the various sources of financing.
What is meant by security financing?
What is debt financing?
Critically examine the advantages and disadvantages of equity shares.
Discuss the features of equity shares.
What are the merits of the deferred shares?
Explain the merits and demerits of preference shares?
List out the types of debentures.
Sources of Financing 39
Evaluate the overall view of debentures.
How internal sources of finance is used in the industrial concern?
What is retained earnings?
Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of retained earnings.
How does depreciation funds help the industrial concern as sources of finance?
Evaluate the overall structure of the loan financing?
Explain the Commercial Bank financing?
Enumerate the major development banks.
Explain the role of UTI and LIC in industrial financing?
What is cash credit?
Mention the functions of IFCI.
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Summarize the (theoretical) costs of each type of finance available to the company when funding its investment appraisal in the future. What are the relative costs of retained earnings compared with raising new finance via the debt and equity financial markets.
What is capital and define the capital?-Explain the types of capital.
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