Objectives: (3 points)
What is the goal of the lab?
Experimental Data section (3 points)
Insert screenshots of the graphs of your data. Be sure the legends that show
the statistics are easy to read. Also, create a table that will include the name of
the dimension, mean values, standard deviation and number of

Data analysis section (10 points)
This is where most of the calculations are done. In this section, you show how
to take the data that you measured and turn it into what you want to figure
out. The main parts of this section are examples showing step by step of how
you found the results and step by step of how you calculated their errors.
Note: in this section significant figures are not important. All that you will be
graded on is if you are doing the calculations correctly. The significant figures
will be important for the results as reported in the next section.
In this lab, the following equations needs to be shown and calculated and
Area of a table. The equation for the area of the object.
Equations used to find the standard deviations of the mean for each
dimension measured.
Show how you calculated the area using the mean values obtained in Logger
Equation used to calculate the error in the area and how it was calculated
with plugged in numbers.

Results Section (2 points)
This section presents the results of the experiment in a table with units and in
the correct format. The correct format is to use scientific notation, report the
error to one significant figure and make sure the mean quantity is reported to
the same number of decimal places as the error.

Discussion and Conclusion (10 points)
Start your discussion with the statement of the purpose of the lab experiment,
then provide a brief theoretical explanation of the concept being studied in this
lab activity. State your final experimental results, explain how they agree with
the theory within the reported error. Explain what type of error occur during the experiment statistical or systematic. Can you tell whether the experimental results are accurate and/or precise?.

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