1. American Slavery Discussion

In 4 paragraphs, answer the following questions:

1) How were you taught regarding slavery in the United States? Did it change over time? How did the teaching of slavery advance your understanding of “America” as a country? Did you believe the material and lecture in this module expand your understanding?

2) Pick either The Slave Narratives, or the 1619 Podcast and write what you learned, citing specific examples. How did it help expand your understanding of liberty, freedom, bondage, etc. (THIS SHOULD BE A SIGNIFICANT PORTION OF YOUR DISCUSSION). If you do not cite specific examples from the Slave Narratives or the 1619 Project, you will not receive full credit.

Use these videos and links to answer question 2.




2.Black in Latin America Discussion

Pick one of the episodes on Black in Latin America, (either Cuba or Mexico). In 3 paragraphs, write what you learned and how it expanded your understanding of the African Diaspora in Latin America. What stood out to you in particular? Make sure to give specific examples from the episode to get full credit.

watch either Cuba or Mexico and answer the question above.




3.EXTRA CREDIT: American History

Please watch this video from HBO’s Last Week Tonight on a segment titled American History. After watching, in two pages, respond to the following question.

  1. Give a summary of the segment. What did Oliver try to argue, did he do it well, and what examples did he use? If he did not make his argument well, what was he missing? Give concrete examples!
  2. How can this tie into the banning of Mexican-American Studies in Tuscon, the San Francisco State Ethnic Studies Protests, and the backlash to the NYT 1619 Project? How are they all tied together and why is their resistance to “more inclusive history?
  3. How were you taught American History? Is it more like what Oliver is arguing, or have you have what you believe a genuinely inclusive historical experience in school?

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