Watch the film Babies using this link here: Babies Movie . If this link does not work for you access the library database page: Pierce College Library You must click on Swank from that list. You will then be required to login with your student ID number and their four digit month and date of birth (MMDD), and then you will be logged into the database where they can start watching the documentaries and other movies.
You will use this observation form to complete the assignment Infancy Observation Form
You want to make sure you pick 1 child to observe, take good notes on their behavior/development, and include theory in your analysis. Once you have watched the film you will follow the prompts and write about the baby you chose , and 3 areas of development (social/emotional, physical and cognitive) and 1 theory in action related to each area you discussed. This assignment is worth 12 points.
Observation Template Part 1:
Observer’s Name:
Date and Time : (beginning and ending) of observation
Highlight Name of Child Observed: (Ponijao/Namibia, Bayarjargal/Mongolia, Mari/Tokyo, Hattie/San Francisco
Write a brief description of child, including age:
Link of video you watched:
Assignment Instructions:
For this assignment students will watch the movie “Babies.” Once you have watched the film you will write up answers to the questions posted that demonstrate the area of development for each domain (physical, cognitive, social/emotional). Your writing must be typed using full sentences and use details to explain your points. For example, if you are asked to provide an example of hand-eye coordination, a good answer would be: “Johnny used his right hand to grasp the paintbrush in a palmar grasp. He looked at the tray of water colors and then moved his hand so that the brush landed between the red and blue pallets. Then he moved his hand so that the brush touched the red paint.” When answering the questions, try to think of this as a ‘survey’ (not an essay). Be OBJECTIVE unless specifically asked for an opinion. Points will be removed for using subjective statements for these answers..
All assignments will be formatted and typed exactly as I have demonstrated. Papers that are written in any other format will not be graded. Submit the attached document (word or PDF only) with your written observation in canvas by the deadline.
Observation Template Part I1:
Physical Domain: Demonstrated Areas Development in Child observed. Write down key examples about what you have observed about the child in this domain of development
Example: When Hattie’s mother is reading a book to her, Hattie opens her mouth and puts her mouth over the book. This is an example of Hattie using hand eye coordination.
Describe two different gross motor skills observed. Be specific: Include the setting/situation. Then describe the skill in detail.
Describe two different fine motor skills observed (as above). If the skill you observed included both gross and fine motor examples, underline or italicize the fine motor skill.
Give one example of hand-eye coordination
What did you notice about the child’s general health? Look for illness, appetite, tiredness or any other indication of health.
Cognitive Domain Demonstrated Areas Development in Child observed. Write down key examples about what you have observed about the child in this domain of development
Example: When Hattie’s mother is reading a book to her, Hattie is following along and makes the sound of an elephant in response to her father pointing at an elephant. This is an example of Hattie using expressive language.
Give an example of the child’s use of receptive language.
Give an example of the child’s use of expressive language.
Describe one example of behavior which showed the Piagetian concept of construction of knowledge.
Give two examples of behaviors indicating pre-operational thinking. Be sure to label the concepts you are giving the examples for.
Give one example of the child being scaffolded. Include your interpretation of the child’s ZPD and the actions of the ‘guide.’
Give an example of the child using long-term memory
In your opinion, is the child at the same level in this domain of development (cognitive) as other children their age, or at a different level? Explain.
Social-Emotional Domain: Demonstrated Areas Development in Child observed. Write down key examples about what you have observed about the child in this domain of development
Describe two different examples of the types of play you observed, using the Parten theory.
Give an example of the child showing autonomy
Give an example of the child showing initiative
Give two examples describing how the child expressed his or her emotions?
Describe a behavior that showed the child’s attachment to an adult in the setting. How would you characterize the attachment, using terms we learned in class.
In your opinion, is the child at the same level in this domain of development (social-emotional) as other children their age, or at a different level? Explain.
Conclusion: What three questions were left in your mind as you conclude this observation? Be sure that you include a question for each of the three domains. All questions must include your reason for asking the question. Do Not Leave this area blank or answer that you have “No Questions”