Many cities have developed ways in which to encourage public art and beautify their cities and streets. Often, utility/electric boxes around town are painted and decorated. At times, the artwork can be breathtaking, or provide some mind opening social commentary. The styles in which many of these boxes are painted and decorated is vast.

Find A Decorated Utility/Electric Box:

Taking some inspiration from Dave Van Patten, take a photo of a decorated utility/electric box from around town that you feel is inspiring. A photo that shows you standing besides it is preferred, but not required. Be sure to also mention where the utility/electric box is located in your thread.

Be sure to embed your image/s (just like in the demo below). DO NOT attach the image/s in word doc or pdf files. Attached images that require downloading for viewing will NOT be looked at and the discussion will earn a zero.

Embedding Images Into Canvas Discussions

Discussion Questions:

Tell us why you chose this utility/electric box.

What is it about the artwork that made an impression on you?

What do you feel makes it visually effective? Discuss the principles of design and elements of art that are responsible for the visual impact created in the artwork.

Tell us your interpretation of the imagery, including the theme you feel is covered.

Your Discussion experience will come in three parts:

Part 1: Taking some inspiration from Dave Van Patten, take a photo of a decorated utility/electric box from around town that you feel is inspiring. A photo that shows you standing besides it is preferred, but not required. Be sure to also mention where the utility/electric box is located in your thread.

Embed the photo to your thread. Avoid using huge file sizes, they may not upload into Canvas.

Part 2: Write a short essay that answers the above questions and provide comments about your own viewing experience. Additions to your thread resulting from any added research is fine. But remember to stay on topic and answer the questions.

Part 3: Respond to a minimum of 2 other student Threads.

Points will be distributed in this manner:

Discussion- 20 points max

Original and relevant content (5 points max)- Displaying you have studied and are knowledgeable of the material by addressing required prompts and writing your own thoughts and feelings regarding the material’s content.

A critical analysis (5 points max)- Exhibiting you have engaged with the material by addressing prompts directly by providing original, insightful observations and thought-provoking commentary- in both your post and classmate responses.

Engaging Responses (5 points max)- Engage in critical analysis of the content present in your classmate’s post. You are expected to provide insightful observations, thought-provoking commentary, or feedback to your classmates. Only responses that engage and encourage critical thinking­­ will receive maximum credit.

Quality of writing (5 points max)- Cleary and concisely articulates ideas and feelings about the material utilizing good sentence fluency (syntax), spelling, and grammar. College-level writing is required.

**Note-many of the rubric’s requirements overlaps, applying to both your post and response.

Sample Discussion: Utility/Electric Box Hunt



Utility or electric boxes do not have to look utilitarian as a culture of displaying creatively painted artwork on these structures is increasing around the world. It has taken me time to find in situ local prairie paintings. The artwork I used for this project was unique compared to most pieces that I found at Imperial beach. First, its location is not evident as it is located away from the city (most of the artworks I found were located downtown). The utility box was strategically located in such a manner its message corresponds to its surrounding environment. Second, any visitor to the electric box will see how the artwork displays comments and visualizes its natural surroundings. I found the artist’s use of design principles in this piece to be outstanding. Unity and emphasis are used collaboratively in this mural. Similar colors and concepts cultivate the sense of unity while the size and line work shape the center of attention.

Looking at this box from different points and distance, I noticed that its perspective lines match the background as the electric box is surrounded by trees. To achieve balance, the artist used symmetry where all the elements are equally aligned on either side of the center line to create an appealing, timeless design. The utility box is painted in bold colors and is suggestive of a circus poster. The red flowers are surrounded by what seems to be a waterfall are drawn in a pattern that makes the piece seem active. To acquire a natural form of the landscape it represents, the artwork uses closed lines that form a two-dimensional shape. The artist displays the scenic beauty of the city conveying the need to preserve the environment. I hope to see larger and expansive arts displayed outdoors with rooted soul. Such monumental artistic expressions are indigenous to the local community.

Response 1:

Hello Bashar,

the image of the tropic beach island of Gaslamp San Diego is quite breathtaking. More so, it shows how wavy the beach is and how it reflects on the sun set. The orange color clearly gives a refreshing tone and the mood is relaxed on this beautiful island. The image resonates with a relaxed mood where people like to come for a vacation. The water and the waves give a contrasting color that shows the reflecting waves against the sunlight. It is quite a masterpiece.

Response 2:

Hello Augustine,

I agree with your choice of the Electric Box as it clearly has an asymmetrical setting that is has a clear visor reflecting of the neighborhood based on its location. Indeed, similar colors and concepts cultivate the sense of unity while the size and line work shape the center of attention. The image of the astronaut pet on a three dimensional platform and small planet earth is a clear indication of the astronaut dreaming of his pet back home. Clearly, this is a person dreaming of space travel and the artist’s use of design principles in this piece to be outstanding.

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