Homeland Defense Intelligence and Civil Liberties

Part I: What are the appropriate roles for the Department of Defense intelligence capabilities in supporting homeland security enterprise?

Part II: Clarify if you believe there is a legal issue for DoD engagement.

Part III: Do you think providing effective intelligence support to the homeland security enterprise is a threat to civil liberties and the privacy of American citizens?

Part IV: Lastly, explain your rationale on why or why not domestic intelligence collection is a threat to individual freedoms.

Do not include quotes in your posting since if you were in a class talking aloud, you likely would not be using direct quotes; instead, as necessary, paraphrase what you need to convey. You need to show me good critical thinking skills and not quotes written by others. Formulating your own thoughts from analyzing new information and studying established work is what we need for successful experts of the future. You must include at least one source per paragraph and thus include it in your reference section as best as you can (hint – not just a URL).



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