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The epidemiologic triad, is very helpful in occupational health nursing practice. The epidemiologic triad helps us understand the complex relationships among the workers, hazards in the workplace, and hazards in the environment. In the epidemiologic triad, each worker is a host within the work population. Each person (host) has his or her own innate, non-modifiable characteristics, some of which put him or her at risk for workplace injury or illness.

1. List three non-modifiable characteristics, as well as three modifiable characteristics that impact risk for workplace injury or illness to the host?

2.Second, briefly discuss workplace violence in healthcare. What type of workplace hazard (agent) does work place violence fall under (biologic, chemical, physical, or psychosocial)?

3.Last, discuss some strategies to manage work place violence.

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  1. Second, briefly discuss workplace violence in healthcare. What type of workplace hazard (agent) does workplace violence fall under (biological, chemical, physical, or psychosocial)?

Workplace violence in healthcare is very prevalent in today’s society. This is because there are many risk factors for workplace violence in the healthcare field. Examples of risks are working directly with people who have a history of violence, abuse of drugs or alcohol, gang members, and relatives of patients or clients. Some healthcare providers work transporting patients or work alone in a facility or in a patient’s home. Furthermore, poor environmental design of the workplace, poor corridors, rooms, parking lots, and lack of means of emergency communication can all contribute to unsafe working conditions. Workplace violence in healthcare is mostly psychosocial which includes organizational factors and interpersonal relationships in the workplace that may affect the health of the workers. Many times stress, anger, and frustration can result in aggressive behavior, harassment, sabotage of the work or the work of others, poor physical and mental health, and disregard of safety measures. These feelings are enhanced if there is a perception of employer unfairness. Multiple studies have indicated that nurses have a wide range of occupational factors linked to stress such as work overload, time pressure, exposure to infectious diseases, needlestick injuries, and understaffing. All this contributes to healthcare violence and unsafe working conditions

Breifly discuss workplace violence in healthcare. What type of workplace hazard does the work place violence fall under?

Workplace violance is spoken about in every field of practice, including the healthcare field where lives are at risk and emergencies happen everyday. Violence can fall under many categories and has many ways of occuring such as bullying, harassment, physical altercations, and innaporpriate behaviors inflicted by another employer or consumer.

Strategies to manage workplace violence

  • Perform background checks before hiring new employees
  • Have a protocol system for reporting incidents of every kind
  • Implement a safe space in the work place
  • Pay attention to work station ergonomics
  • Have Periodic meetings and implement safety
  • Host training sessions on how to identify, mediate and prevent workplace violence
  • Have an open door policy with employees


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