One from Paul Hawken: “good management is the art of making problems so interesting and their solutions so constructive that everyone wants to get to work and deal with them.” It is about creating excitement throughout everything we do! A good manager, though, is more than someone who knows how to plan and control and motivate. It is about someone who is a good person, who does the right thing, and is respected by others in their field.
Another is from Martha Beck (2009) that it is a “little scary to realize that we’re all likely to occupy a leadership role, from motherhood to mogulhood, at some point in our lives. When we blow it, our imperfections will be magnified by our authority.” This does not mean that you will necessarily make it work, but it does mean that it is a challenge to oversee the work of others, and to do so requires an individual of character, conviction, and hard work. With that, we are ready to begin our discussion on management, Question: is there a quote that you follow, or remember, that details the values of virtues of being a manager?