1. Click the following link to review the pictures from the “March For Our Lives”:

Photos From the March For Our LivesProtests Around the World

Please review all of the pictures carefully. Select four to five pictures that are the most meaningful to you. List them by name and explain why they were so impactful on you. (183 words)

  1. Please watch this short clip, Cure Violence Promise Story, which shows a program that addresses community violence.

Cure Violence Promise Story

Please answer the following questions:

  1. How is the strategy of Cure Violence different from other strategies that address community violence?
  2. What is the basic premise of Cure Violence?
  3. How was Cure Violenceevaluated?
  4. Discuss at least three of the results of the evaluation.
  5. What does exposure to violence cause?
  6. What was found to be “key” to the success of Cure Violence? (183 Words)


  1. Please answer these questions:
  2. What got in the way of you following your self-care plan? What could you do to minimize that obstacle in the future?
  3. Did you follow your self-care plan?
  4. Was there a self-care activity that really worked for you over the semester? (183 Words)

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