Directions and passages for paper on Epic and Justice (V 2022).  This is not a research paper.  Should be at least 1000 words long.

MP (Mandatory Passage ) 1. How serious do you think Gorgias’ defense of Helen is? Do you think that love can overcome a person? Can persuasion work like a drug? Can a person be compelled by Destiny or Necessity? And these items can compel, what is justice here?

 MP 2 What do you think of Hesiod’s idea of justice (Dike) as essential to prosperity in an individual or a city? What about the idea that Zeus will punish a whole city for the injustice of one person? What do you think of his idea of immortal spirits who watch for injustice?  Why is it so important for political leaders to do justice?

MP3  Why is it important that the Hebrew God will save a city if he can find ten good people in it, while Zeus will destroy a city simply for one bad person? What does it signify that God is willing sort of to bargain with Abraham? What does this say about the Justice of the Greek gods versus the Hebrew God?


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