Assess a Recent Difficult Conversation

Think about a recent difficult conversation you had. Ideally, select a conversation that occurred in the workplace or at school. Based on this conversation, do the following:

⦁ Summarize the conversation in one paragraph. (2 Marks)

Evaluate your and others’ performance in terms of assuming the best in one another, staying calm, finding common ground, disagreeing diplomatically, avoiding exaggeration and either/or approaches, and sharing all stories (including a shared story). (2 Marks)

⦁ Describe three ways you would approach the conversation differently if you did it over again. (2 Marks)

⦁ Assuming you had the conversation again, what are three questions you would ask to invite a learning stance? (2 Marks)Part 2 (7 Marks)

⦁ Identify five principles violated in this email. (5 Marks)

⦁ Make recommendations for improving this email. (2 Marks)


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