Week 2A – Benzo/CNS Drugs Discussion Board Post


In the time since they were introduced, a growing body of evidence suggests that benzodiazepines have serious side effects. Some patients taking a benzodiazepine have experienced periods of irritability, rage or outright aggression Further, the duration of action of some benzodiazepines such as alprazolam is so short that there is a danger that the patient will start the benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome (BWS) before he or she is scheduled to take the next dose. Since anxiety is one of the cardinal symptoms of the BWS, the anxiety that the person experiences when in a state of withdrawal from a short-acting benzodiazepine is resolved with the next dose. This raises the question of whether the patient is experiencing real anxiety, which certainly should be treated, or withdrawal-related anxiety. What are your thoughts about benzodiazepines, who is appropriate for their use, when it is appropriate and how the consumer can be protected?


Watch the clips about benzodiazepines as well the article that shows how often people with opioid addictions are prescribed benzodiazepine and how they can lead to accidental overdose  Benzodiazepines are highly addictive and the withdrawal is very dangerous  The additional clip includes the stories of persons with benzo addiction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RcThf6Rs40 https://www.bu.edu/articles/2016/benzos-and-opiates/ .


https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/dangers-rising-benzo-prescriptions-raise-alarms-next-drug-crisis-n895361 https://www.pbs.org/video/benzos-addiction-gbiuxc/


Finally, this intervention clip shows the experience of someone with a benzodiazepine addiction https://play.aetv.com/shows/intervention/season-11/episode-7  Just be aware that it shows her shooting up drugs which might be very disturbing. Methadone and Ativan/Xanax can mimic the effects of heroin and it’s very dangerous.


Write at least 2 paragraphs of material and refer to one or more of the links in your post.


You can comment on the above information or on the following videos:


Xanax and prescription drug addiction: https://play.aetv.com/shows/intervention/season-11/episode-7


Cough syrup addiction: https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna4608341#.U3zJQSjryIA

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