This is already a completed essay. However, if the word count requirement is not met, it is necessary to add about 1200 words without changing the original analysis and intention of the entire article. Your 1200-word supplement can be added anywhere in the article. At the same time, when you are supplementing the article, please adjust the content table and format of the entire article in APA format. You can add more academic reference is ok. I will send the data AND Tableau later.

Similarity less than 5%。 What is the profitability aspect for the next 5 and 10 years in Richmond for townhouses? this is the group Project Guideline Accorccording my Tableau work and excel work write this.

General Instructions

The students will be grouped into teams of three or four students. The team will prepare a written and oral presentation as outlined below.


The team should take the role of a consultant or senior analyst assigned to report on the issues to senior management. In all cases, students are expected to research peer-reviewed articles or established newspaper articles about the topic in discussion to help support their analysis. Wikipedia, blogs, and other unreliable web sources will not be accepted.

Written Presentation (

The team will prepare a written presentation, which must be submitted, to the instructor, along with an oral presentation and a copy of the PowerPoint in the handout format. The text should be double-spaced and should be done in a professional manner. You should include copies of all tables, diagrams, etc. used in your presentation. The cover sheet should include team members’ names. The team will provide one copy of their analysis to the instructor at the beginning of the class. There is no firm guideline for the report content. However, it is important that the following information be present.

  1. Cover page with the usual information – student information, title, subtitle, course, and section names and numbers.
  2. Executive summary – the report is addressed to senior management of the company in question.
  3. Table of contents.
  4. Content This is dependent upon what type of project is, e.g., whether it is research-oriented, or

Scope: Clarify the scope of the analysis

Objectives: clearly state the objective 3) Methodology

Data: Discuss the data collected, sources of the data, data preparation, and assumptions if applicable.

Tools and techniques used to analyze the data 4) Data Analysis

Elaborate on the findings from the analysis and explain how it addresses the objectives

Discuss graphs and explain the patterns and trends 5) Prediction 6) Conclusion



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