Find and watch a video (at least 15 minutes — or shorter videos adding up to 15 minutes) about some aspect of civil engineering or sustainable design or construction materials or processes.
For example:
AISC https://www.aisc.orgleducation/university-programs/teaching-aids/ Barnwood Builders (one of my favorite) (see streaming services, such as Amazon Prime) How It’s Made: Pre-Cast Concrete Walls (Google it)
Building A House Start To Finish I Episode 1: Site Prep and Digging Footings (You can keep watching the subsequent episodes.)
Structural Engineer vs Architect – Design Meeting These are just a few. YouTube has more than you need.
Submit an essay discussing two elements of design or constmction about which you learned from the videos.
Include your opinion of these videos as vehicles to explain some of the fundamental science, engineering, and sustainability concepts that are relevant to civil engineering or sustainable design and construction.