Write a brief history of the firm. This should be a paragraph (at least five sentences).

This is something you google. Many companies have some information about their history on the company


Mission Statement:

What is your firm’s mission statement?

Does it appear to be related to what the firm does?

Compare the firm’s mission statement to the products and services it sells.

Describe the firm’s competitive environment. This should be at least two paragraphs.

Discuss how the competitor relates to your firm. Do they have certain strengths or weaknesses? Is one firm the clear leader? How are the firms different?

Who is the chairperson of the Board and who is the CEO?

If one person is both the CEO and chairperson, what impact will this have on the firm or th stockholders? Answer this question even if it does not impact your firm.

How diverse is the Board and Management team? Be specific.


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