Write the symbol for the last consonant sound in the following words. Answer using the classification: voicing, place of articulation, manner of articulation.

  • Is it voiced or voiceless?
  • Where is your tongue?
  • What is happening with the air flow? Explosive or continuous
  • Then check with the chart

International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)

How many phonemes/sounds are in the following words:

  1. Wretched – 5 sounds
  2. Taxes – 6 sounds
  3. Cars – 4 sounds
  4. Desks – 5 sounds
  5. Chairs – 4
  6. Shrimp – 5 sounds
  7. Christmas – 7 sounds
  8. Books – 4 sounds
  9. Frigid – 6 sounds












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